Regen Wellness Blog

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Woman with head in her hands

Learn about the link between mold toxins and chronic health conditions, and contact Regen IV Wellness in Dallas today!

Symptoms Of Low Testosterone Frustrated

Testosterone is an essential male AND female hormone responsible for various physiological functions such as muscle growth, sexual function, bone density, and even cognitive function. Find out if you are showing signs of low testosterone.

What To Expect During Hormone Replacement Therapy Title

Find out what to expect during hormone replacement therapy and all the benefits you get from balancing your hormones.

Is Hormone Replacement Therapy Safe Title

The Answer Might Surprise You...

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a type of treatment that aims to alleviate the symptoms associated with unbalanced hormones for both men and women. Symptoms include: weight gain, fatigue, low libido and more. Find out how you could alleviate these symptoms with HRT.

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Peptide therapy is a cutting-edge medical treatment that has gained significant attention in recent years.

benefits of hormone replacement therapy

There are many benefits of hormone replacement therapy. These are the top 4 benefits you could see if you start hormone replacement therapy.

What Is Hormone Replacement Therapy?

What Is Hormone Replacement Therapy? - How can HRT help you live and happier, healthier life.

Benefits of Ozone Therapy

There are many benefits of ozone therapy. From chronic illness to daily wellness, the possibilities are endless. This is definitely a treatment you should consider adding to your wellness routine. Learn more in this article.

Myths About Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy - There are many common myths about ozone therapy. Learn which information is false as well as the surprising facts about this up and coming wellness treatment.

Medical ozone therapy

Medical ozone therapy can add many benefits to your health. Find out what to expect during your medical ozone therapy session.


Understanding ozone IV therapy is simple. Ozone is a naturally occurring gas in our atmosphere that can help treat chronic infections, provide preventive wellness maintenance, and even boost endurance.

Semaglutide Injection

We all know how Semaglutide is quickly becoming the silver bullet for weight loss and diabetes prevention and treatment due to its insulin support benefits. The latest in semaglutide research is connecting the dots between semaglutide and heart health.

Best Fertility Pills To Get Pregnant

Find out more about kisspeptin and how this little known medication can help improve your chances of conceiving.

Get Healthy

Get Healthy In The New Year

(with vision board guide and Canva template)


Do you know your biological age? Find out how epigenetics and knowing your biological age can help you achieve and longer and happier life.


​If you're looking for the latest in weight loss treatments, you may have heard of Mounjaro. This new injection therapy is said to be more effective than traditional methods, and many people are eager to try it out. But what is Mounjaro, and how does it work? Read on to find out.

Symptoms of leaky gut

Leaky gut is a condition that affects the lining of the intestines. This can cause a variety of symptoms, including abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating, gas, and fatigue. If you think you may have leaky gut, there are some things you can do to heal your gut and improve your overall health.


Detoxification is a critical component of Functional Medicine, as it focuses on improving the body’s natural ability to eliminate toxins. This can help improve overall health by supporting the body's detoxification pathways and organs. Detoxification also helps reduce inflammation, which can cause chronic illnesses like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Nutrition and health

Nutrition and Health - find out the impact nutrition has on your overall health. Learn tips to improve your health with nutrition.

Gut brain connection

There is a growing body of evidence that suggests the gut and brain are linked, and this connection heavily impacts our mental health. Functional medicine takes this research into account by using diet, lifestyle interventions, and nutritional supplementation to address mental illness.

Functional medicine doctor

Functional medicine doctor - how can they help you? Learn this method of addressing your health to help you...

How to Detox Your Body in 7 Steps

Are you looking for a way to cleanse your body and boost your health? If so, then make sure to keep reading. We’ll be discussing the seven steps you can take outlining how to detoxify and rejuvenate yourself. These methods include refraining from processed foods, drinking plenty of water, engaging in physical exercise, using infrared saunas and PEMF therapy sessions, applying red light therapies on areas that need healing, performing lymphatic massages as needed and more. Each one of these suggestions will have benefits for mental clarity as well as improved physical health. So delve into the world of natural remedies with us today!


Mind body connection

In this article, we'll discuss how following holistic health practices can strengthen your mind-body connection, and how you can incorporate some simple, holistic changes in your lifestyle for a mind-body overhaul.

Can Stress Make You Sick?

Can stress make you sick? Learn about stress and the impact it has on your body and your health. Learn how to reverse the effects of stress.

Testosterone replacement therapy near you

Now you can add testosterone replacement therapy to your treatment plan at Regen IV Wellness. Putting an emphasis on your total body health must include the health of your hormone levels and how they interact with your body. As a Dallas wellness center that now offers Hormone Replacement Therapy, Regen IV Wellness is committed to helping our clients look and feel their best by addressing hormone levels and the impact on our patient’s health. Let’s take a deeper dive into the importance of testosterone and how it affects your body.

What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Testosterone is a hormone that is produced in both men and women and is essential to the health and wellness of your body. While only a small amount is produced in women, there are still benefits that...

A woman flexing her bicep after an outdoor workout

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