Is Hormone Replacement Therapy Safe Title

Is Hormone Replacement Therapy Safe?

The Answer Might Surprise You...

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a type of treatment that aims to alleviate the symptoms associated with unbalanced hormones for both men and women. Symptoms include: weight gain, fatigue, low libido and more. Find out how you could alleviate these symptoms with HRT.

The Answer Might Surprise You...

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a type of treatment that aims to alleviate the symptoms associated with unbalanced hormones for both men and women. These symptoms include hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, decreased energy, low libido, weight gain, and more. HRT works by supplementing the body with the body’s naturally occuring hormones to change the hormone imbalance caused by aging. While HRT is an effective treatment for most hormonal imbalance symptoms, there has been concern about its safety. In this article, we will dive into the question: Is Hormone Replacement Therapy Safe?

Is Hormone Replacement Therapy Safe Couple

Risk of HRT

Is Hormone Replacement Therapy Safe Dad

HRT was widely prescribed for years but then fell out of favor after a large study in the early 2000s found an increased risk of breast cancer, heart attacks, and strokes in those using HRT. However, more recent research has shown that hormone replacement therapy, especially when using bioidentical hormones (as opposed to synthetic) is safe for most men and women and actually has some incredible health benefits such as managed weight, increased muscle tone, better sleep, and cardiovascular benefits.

The North American Menopause Society and other organizations now suggest that HRT be considered the standard of care for most men and women seeking relief from hormonal imbalance. When considering if HRT is safe, it is important to note that it does have some potential risks, which vary depending on the individual. The risk of breast cancer with HRT is still a topic of debate, but the available evidence suggests that for most women, the risk is small. Women who have had breast cancer in the past should avoid HRT. Additionally, HRT can increase the risk of blood clots, especially if the woman is overweight, smokes, or has a family history of blood clots.

For women who have had a hysterectomy, the risks associated with HRT are typically lower because they do not require progesterone, which has been linked to potential risks. For women who still have a uterus, combining progesterone with estrogen for hormone replacement is recommended. Combination HRT has been shown to reduce the risk of endometrial cancer, which is a cancer that can occur in the lining of the uterus.

When Should You Start Considering HRT?

Is Hormone Replacement Therapy Safe Energy

Hormone levels naturally decrease with age, beginning in our 30s and continuing throughout life. It’s a good idea to get your hormones checked in your 30s and find out what your optimal hormone levels are and if you should begin HRT to avoid unwanted symptoms of unbalanced hormones.

Women going through menopause typically experience a rapid decline in hormone production, resulting in symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, vaginal dryness, and mood swings. If these symptoms become severe or interfere with daily activities or quality of life, then hormone replacement therapy may be recommended.

Why Bio-Identical Hormones Are Better Than Synthetic

Is Hormone Replacement Therapy Safe Fun

Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is a newer form of HRT that uses hormones derived from plant sources, such as yam or soy. These hormones are identical to the ones naturally produced by the body and can be more effective at managing menopausal symptoms than traditional HRT. BHRT also has fewer side effects and is associated with a lower risk of breast cancer.

Synthetic hormones, which are commonly found in traditional hormone replacement therapy medications, are not always identical to the hormones produced naturally by the body. This can make them less effective and can lead to unwanted side effects. Bio-identical hormones, on the other hand, are derived from natural sources and designed to be exactly like those produced by the body, making them more effective and reducing the potential for side effects.

Hormone Replacement Therapy Safety Conclusion

Is Hormone Replacement Therapy Safe Libido

In conclusion, hormone replacement therapy is an effective treatment for most women suffering from menopausal symptoms. The risks of HRT vary depending on the individual, but it is generally considered safe for most people. You should review your options and conduct thorough lab testing with a certified hormone specialist like Regen IV Wellness and consider the benefits and risks of taking HRT to decide what is best for you.

Regen IV Wellness is a certified Evexias hormone provider and only offers bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Schedule a free consultation today to learn more about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and learn from a certified hormone specialist if you can benefit from HRT.

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