
What Is Human Growth Hormone?

Can human growth hormone help you reach your health and wellness goals? Learn more about human growth hormone...


You may have heard of human growth hormone (HGH) and wondered what it is and why you might need it. HGH is a protein produced by the pituitary gland that plays a vital role in growth and development. As we age, our bodies produce less and less HGH, which can lead to a number of health issues. However, HGH replacement therapy can help to offset the effects of aging and improve overall health. Let's take a closer look at human growth hormone and its benefits.

Human growth hormone (HGH) is a protein produced by the pituitary gland. It's sometimes referred to as "the youth hormone" because it plays a vital role in growth and development during childhood and adolescence. Once we reach adulthood, our bodies continue to produce HGH but at a much slower rate.

As we age, the decreased production of HGH can lead to a number of health problems such as reduced muscle mass, decreased bone density, increased body fat, and reduced energy levels. However, HGH replacement therapy can help to offset the effects of aging by increasing levels of human growth hormone in the body.

Why You Need Human Growth Hormone

What is human growth hormone and why do I need it?

You may have heard of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) before, but you may not know exactly what it is or why your body needs it. HGH is a protein hormone that is secreted by the pituitary gland. It stimulates growth, cell reproduction, and cell regeneration in humans. In other words, HGH is responsible for helping your body grow and develop properly.

As we age, our bodies produce less and less HGH. This natural decrease in HGH can lead to a number of age-related issues such as wrinkles, decreased muscle mass, osteoporosis, and more. That's where human growth hormone replacement therapy comes in. By replacing the diminishing levels of HGH in your body with bioidentical HGH injections, you can help combat the effects of aging and improve your overall health and well-being.

What Are The Benefits Of Human Growth Hormone Therapy

There are many potential benefits of human growth hormone replacement therapy for adults. HGH injections can help to increase muscle mass, reduce body fat, improve bone density, increase energy levels, and boost the immune system. Additionally, HGH replacement therapy has been shown to improve sleep quality, enhance skin tone and texture, and promote healthy hair growth. Some of the benefits of human growth hormone replacement therapy include:

Increased Muscle Mass

If you're looking to gain lean muscle mass or improve your athletic performance, human growth hormone therapy can help. One study showed that men over 60 who underwent human growth hormone therapy gained an average of 8.8% lean muscle mass within six months.

Improved Recovery Time from Exercise

In addition to helping you build muscle mass, human growth hormone therapy can also help you recover from exercise faster. One study showed that older adults who received human growth hormone injections after exercise recovered faster than those who didn't receive the injections. The improved recovery time was due to increased protein synthesis (the process by which cells repair and rebuild themselves) in the participants who received the injections.

Decreased Body Fat

If you're trying to lose weight, human growth hormone therapy can help. One study showed that people who received human growth hormone injections along with diet and exercise lost an average of 14% body fat within six months. The participants in the study also saw a decrease in their waist circumference and an increase in their lean body mass (muscle).

Increased Bone Density

Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by thinning bones and an increased risk of fractures. As we age, our bones naturally become thinner and weaker due to a decrease in bone-building cells (osteoblasts). Human growth hormone helps promote bone density by stimulating the production of osteoblasts. This can help reduce your risk of fractures as you age.

Is Human Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy Right For You?

Human growth hormone plays an important role in our overall health but production decreases as we age. This can lead to decreased muscle mass, increased body fat, decreased bone density, reduced energy levels, and more. However, human growth hormone replacement therapy can help to offset these effects by increasing levels of human growth hormone in the body.

If you're looking for a way to slow down the effects of aging, human growth hormone therapy may be right for you. HGH has been shown to provide a wide range of benefits, from increasing muscle mass and bone density to improving skin health and boosting energy levels. Schedule a FREE consultation to find out if HGH therapy is right for you.

Boost Your Body's Natural Human Growth Hormone!

Human growth hormone supplement benefits

Growth Hormone Support helps increase healthy growth hormone levels*The amino acids arginine and ornithine have been shown to synergistically support healthy growth hormone production.

Growth hormone is naturally released by the pituitary gland in response to sleep and exercise in order to help replenish tissues. It supports muscle protein synthesis, moderates the breakdown of muscle tissue and promotes fat utilization for energy.

Pure Encapsulation's Growth Support has both arginine and OKG. Arginine supports healthy growth hormone synthesis and is also a precursor for protein synthesis. OKG has indicated the ability to support healthy nitrogen balance, important for healthy muscle function. OKG also promotes healthy polyamine, arginine and glutamine levels, important metabolites for muscle protein support.

Taken one hour before physical activity or bedtime, arginine and OKG may support healthy growth hormone production and may also promote healthy muscle protein synthesis, muscle recovery, and lean muscle mass when combined with physical training.

Order your Growth Hormone Support from our trusted supplement dispensary to be delivered to your door.

8 Ways to Boost Human Growth Hormone (hGH) Naturally

Ways to boost human growth hormone naturally

Human growth hormone (HGH) is an important hormone produced by your pituitary gland.

Also known as growth hormone (hGH), it plays a key role in growth, body composition, cell repair, and metabolism .

HGH also boosts muscle growth, strength, and exercise performance, while helping you recover from injury and disease.

Low HGH levels may decrease your quality of life, increase your risk of disease, and make you gain fat.

Optimal levels are especially important during weight loss, injury recovery, and athletic training.

Here are 8 evidence-based ways to increase human growth hormone (HGH) levels naturally.

1. Lose body fat

The amount of belly fat you carry is directly related to your HGH production.

Those with higher levels of belly fat will likely have impaired HGH production and an increased risk of disease.

2. Fast intermittently

Studies show that fasting leads to a major increase in HGH levels.

Intermittent fasting can help optimize HGH levels in two main ways. First, it can help you drop body fat, which directly affects HGH production.

Second, it’ll keep your insulin levels low for most of the day, as insulin is released when you eat. Research suggests that insulin spikes can disrupt your natural growth hormone production.

3. Take an arginine supplement

When taken alone, arginine may boost HGH.

Though most people tend to use amino acids like arginine alongside exercise, several studies show little or no increase in HGH levels.

However, studies have observed that taking arginine on its own — without any exercise —significantly increases levels of this hormone.

4. Reduce your sugar intake

An increase in insulin is associated with lower HGH levels.

Refined carbs and sugar raise insulin levels the most, so reducing your intake may help optimize growth hormone levels.

5. Don’t eat a lot before bedtime

Your body naturally releases significant amounts of HGH, especially at night.

Given that most meals cause a rise in insulin levels, some experts suggest avoiding food before bedtime.

In particular, a high-carb or high-protein meal may spike your insulin and potentially block some of the HGH released at night.

6. Take a hGH supplement

Taking human growth hormone supplements like arginine and OKG may support healthy growth hormone production and may also promote healthy muscle protein synthesis, muscle recovery, and lean muscle mass when combined with physical training.

7. Exercise at a high intensity

Exercise is one of the most effective ways to significantly raise your HGH levels.

The increase depends on the type of exercise, intensity, food intake around the workout, and your body’s own traits.

8. Optimize your sleep

The majority of HGH is released in pulses when you sleep. These pulses are based on your body’s internal clock or circadian rhythm.

The largest pulses occur before midnight, with some smaller pulses in the early morning.

Studies have shown that poor sleep can reduce the amount of HGH your body produces.

If you're ready to start Human Growth Hormone Replacement therapy, let's get started by scheduling your initial hGH consultation.

5 Stars For Holistic Health!

Human growth hormone reviews

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